Saturday, June 27, 2009

A quick update

I am writing this from my mobile as I am without internet! Quite vexing.

This week I hit a bit of a plateau. Not surprising seeing that work has gone insane due to EOFY. Whenever things get busy, it gets that much harder to maintain a healthy diet if you don't have a fridge and freezer full of meal base items ready to go. Spending longer hours st work also makes regular exercise more difficult.

That said, I haven't done that badly. The real test will come on Monday and Tuesday... We get really under the pump and the work-supplied meals and sweet treats come out!

See you on the other side of EOFY!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's Sunday!

Time for another update...

I had another loss this week, which I think is a good thing. I seem to be staying pretty consistent. I'm actually really happy that I have managed to keep things rolling as the past week has been quite difficult and busy, and as such it's been harder to get out and exercise. Combine that with the amount of junk food that has been doing the rounds at work and well, I think I'm very lucky to have kept going with a weight loss this week.

I am now house-sitting (with giant dog), so exercise is going to be a lot easier to come by - the dog gets quite insistent that she gets her regular walks. Thinking of taking her out a little later today.

That's all from me for now - will be typing up some more ramblings later on!

Not so much an update...

Because I really haven't tried losing weight or changing anything for the past couple of weeks.


I haven't gained weight, and I shall be trying from Monday onwards. :D

And I have had maccas and some soft drinks. So from Monday onwards no more take away and diet coke! Sigh.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Can't vs Won't

Veruca Salt: But I don't want any old squirrel! I want a *trained* squirrel!
Mr. Salt: Very well. Mr. Wonka? How much do you want for one of these squirrels? Name your price.
Willy Wonka: Oh they're not for sale. She can't have one.
Veruca Salt: Daddy!
Willy Wonka: I'm sorry, darling. Mr. Wonka's being unreasonable.

- From Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005 version)

Spoilt movie children aside, the allure of something you cannot have is well documented. Children and teenagers in particular are well known for wanting to rebel and do those things they know they aren't allowed to do.

As we grow older, do we lose this urge? I don't think so. We may learn to control it better, we may learn to hide it more skillfully, but the draw of those things that are classed as "not allowed" is still there. There's a little Veruca Salt in everyone, waiting for the moment she is told "no"... and then she starts whispering about how it is actually what you want, how it is just fine to have what you want and hang the consequences.

Never is this more apparent than when one starts a health kick, lifestyle change or (quietly now, for this is a very dirty word) diet. All of a sudden, all of those foods that are just so delicious and were fine yesterday are taboo. The use of that one little word - can't - suddenly awakens the little Veruca Salt and gets her demanding. The cravings and feelings of deprivation can be huge! It is very common for someone to persevere, only to then cave-in at a desperate moment, and it's these moments that can cause guilt and negative feelings, making it harder to stay motivated to continue the change to a healthier lifestyle. Been there, done that.

Something I've found very interesting is that a small change in the language used and the attitude to the temptation of unhealthy food can make a huge difference to the way they are approached.

By changing the word can't into won't, it shifts the connotation of the phrase. If you think about it - what do you feel more comfortable with? "I can't have chocolate", or "I won't have chocolate". The word "can't" removes the choice from myself so the rebel kicks in. When I say "won't", I make the choice my own... which means there's no reason for Veruca to start convincing me that I should actually have it. Coupling the "won't" with the phrase "because I don't want to" then shifts the attitude. Rather than the offending food being desirable, all of a sudden it doesn't look so good any more.

Of course, if it was as simple as just saying "I won't have (insert food here)" all the time, then there'd be no issue. It doesn't always work that way... but while it won't prevent the cravings totally, I have found that it does seem to make them more controllable. I don't believe in deprivation, so I personally eat things in moderation. Nothing wrong with the odd piece of chocolate! It's just a matter of not overdoing it, and for me that's easier if I allow myself a little every now and then.

I'd be interested in hearing if this works for other people as well - the idea that just changing a little four letter word can cause such a change in the thought process is pretty cool, to me anyway.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rainy Sunday update

This week's update - I have been doing pretty well!

I had another loss in the weight stakes (yay!) and eating well has just become easier and easier. Sweets, while still tempting, aren't causing me massive cravings like they used to... and I am getting better at just saying no.

Exercise is also becoming much easier. I'm much more motivated to go walking or running, and it felt really good to get back into boxing.

I've been happy with my progress - but the big challenge starts next week - I'll be house sitting for my aunt and taking care of her dog. The walks will be upped (for the dog), and I'll also be living alone so there won't be any support to fall back on for help in food prep and cooking. I have some plans already, many of which include pre-cooking and freezing things on the weekends, so we will see how it goes.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Problems of a major procrastinator...

So as I participate in a blog about getting fit and healthy, I gobble down the last of a cupcake - part of a batch I baked this morning for my knitting play date.

Just letting you know, I'm letting redambition have a head start, as I'm not fully concentrating on getting fit until I finish my uni assignments. Woot! They should be done by the end of this week.

The reason why I need to lose weight, though, is not because to stay healthy. No, that's just a by-product. It's because my parents want me looking good like I was when I was 5-6 years younger. And to help me, they said that they'll pay for all of my New York/San Fran trip if I lose sufficient amount of weight, but if not, I have to pay everything back when I get back home. So until October, I have another 13kgs to lose (my initial aim was 15kg).

But since the beginning of the year, I have vowed not to have:

a) Maccas
b) Fizzy drinks

And to eat a piece of fruit each day. Well - I have kinda substituted Maccas for either Hungry Jacks or Ogalos, and I have had a random fizzy drink here and there, but generally I have been good. I also try not to eat hot chips that often with "meal deals" and just get the burger.

But yah - I have made several attempts to start exercising regularly, but I haven't been able to keep it more than a week. And with winter approaching, it definitely doesn't help. I think a Gym membership awaits me, and I've found Camperdown Fitness to be the best one for me so far, as it's clean and neat and there are no contracts - just a one off $50 joining fee and something like $35 a fortnight, which works out to be something like $900 a year, but I thought if I know I'm busy one week, I can cancel it one week and then start again the following week if I want to, and would probably save more money than spending a whole $700 on a year membership and only going for like 2-3 weeks out of the available 52 (that's what I did last time... yikes).

Since the beginning of the year I have lost 2kg though. Just through less take away and trying to be a little more active, but I still indulge in the chocolate and the cheese, and the fine dining from time to time. And over-eating and snacking when stressed.

So the aim for this week? Finish my bloody uni assignments and stop procrastinating.

Then join a gym so that I can wake up early and watch TV whilst I'm at the tredmill and not running in the cold.

And stop having take-away. I've had one burger so far this week - better do some grocery shopping and make my wraps and sandwiches!

Until Saturday evening, try and be good, unlike me!

red's update #1


So why am I here? I posted on my blog that I wanted to lose a bit of weight and get fit again. I'd done it before, but thanks to the rollercoaster of life I had let myself slip and I was pretty much back where I started. I'm not happy about that so I'm working to change my lifestyle for the better and keep it that way.

What are my goals?

1. Lose the weight I've put back on. I've already made some progress with this.
2. Fit into those black work pants that used to fit and the slightly too-tight skirts I just bought.
3. Work exercise into part of my daily routine - so that it's not a huge chore.
4. Change my eating habits.

All in all, I don't think the goals are too lofty. I also have a genuine interest in nutrition, exercise and the psychology of all this sort of stuff, so I like to read about it, think about it and see how it affects me. This blog should also give me a chance to post a bit on my thoughts without feeling like I'm spamming my normal blog on this topic.

That's all from me for now. More later on!


Welcome to Operation Awesomeness - the efforts of a couple of girls (redambition and knitness) who are trying to get fit and healthy.

It is here that we will both track our progress, share our thoughts on this whole malarkey and share any pearls of wisdom we may find along the way.

Regular weigh ins/check ins will be performed on Saturdays and posted whenever we have a moment. Any other updates will be provided as they come to us.

Ok... here goes nothing!