Friday, July 31, 2009

Another week, another update

Last week was not so great - too much junk, not enough healthy food.

Although I did exercise, I still gained weight.

I've started attending boxing classes again (good), Monday is also going to be the start of lunch-time walks at work (good) and I'm in a walking/running distance challenge this month. I really have no excuse not to do the exercise I need, now I just have to get back into the habit of eating healthy and not eating out too much.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back in the real (?) world

Back home, back to reality.

I am home a day late as my uncle needed to go into hospital as soon as he arrived home - and it's a good thing my aunt took him! He'd had horrible gastro and his inability to keep anything down had dehydrated him to the point where he had acute kidney failure. Luckily it was caught early enough to ensure no lasting damage and it was treated with lots of IV fluids. He's much better and back at home now.

I've had another small weight loss this week - not bad considering I haven't been counting my intake and I know I have eaten a little more than i should have! The walks that the dog demanded were definitely a help.

Now I'm back at home I need to ensure that I keep doing regular exercise - with no dog to demand a walk, motivation will be a little harder to come by.

On the plus side, being back at home means proper internet again - so I'll be able to post more rambling posts soon!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Update with a twist

Weekly update time!

I got back on track this week - while I have still been working some crazy hours and had an unusual amount of stress, I still ate (fairly) well and kept things going. Net result: A weight loss of 1.3 kg this week. This confirms my suspicion that the gain I had last week involved water retention, as that's a large loss for me, especially without my usual Wednesday boxing class.

Emotionally this week has been very up and down - there has been some very good things, and some bad. When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping, so I have now purchased a few new bits and pieces to try and revamp myself a little more.

I am wondering exactly why I did buy a few of the things I ended up getting... but I am sure they will be used and worn.

I have another week and a half of house sitting, and then life is back to normal. If all goes well, I am going to have the week of the move back home off work, which will give me time to clean out my wardrobe and settle back in home without too much stress.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

EOFY = evil

So, my last week was pretty crap too. (Hugs to Ness!)

EOFY meant that I was working 12-18 hour days, and on top of that, I got sick as well. I also received a couple of pieces of news that brought me down.

I gave up trying to track my food and eat well because the reduced sleep and extra stress meant that I was propping myself up with caffeine and sugar. I did try to maintain some semblance of control over what I was eating, but truth be told it was not great. There was a lot of take-away and a lot of lollies and junk.

The massive hours also left little time for exercise.

Net result: I gained 2kg. I'm hoping that most of that is retained water brought about by increased sodium intake, but I am not kidding myself: I probably did put some of that on under my own steam.

This week's focus is all about eating wholesome, healthy food. I've upped my fruit and vegie intake, and while I am still drinking some coffee I know that eating good food can only help my body get back to normal. This week I am also having a holiday from tracking food just while I get back on track.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A week of horrible...

So lots of shit hit lots of differing fans this week, but the biggest one of all is that I'm now currently single.

So therefore I have had lots of comfort food.

But it also means that from around about next week onwards, after I get over things and finish greiving and wallowing, that I can focus more on myself. Or use this as an opportunity to distract myself from things...

From my understanding, I haven't lost weight, but I haven't gained weight either.

As redambition is making such a better attempt than I am to losing weight, I'm going to try once more this week.

See you next update!