Monday, August 31, 2009

Being busy...

So I recently just finished a show, and somehow since the breakup my social life has sky-rocketed a bit, so that means more alocohol and late nights.

For a week I stayed out until 4am each evening... It was crazy.

I haven't gained weight, thankfully, as alcohol is very fattening. I was drinking every single night for at least a week and a half. But I think all that compensated for the fact that I was so busy that I would only eat two meals (sometimes just even one!) a day.

Last Sunday was the first day in ages where I ate Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Tea and Dinner. I was so incredibly full by the end of that day I felt like regurgitating half of what I ate. But I didn't because the food I ate were all yum.

Therefore the loss I have had so far has been 3kg since the start of this blog, but it was only out of coincidence - being sick and not eating much, then being busy and not eating much. I'm starting to get back to my regular eating habits, but that would also mean I would have to start exercising again. Haven't exercised lately because a chest/sinus infection has returned to bless my mornings with heaps of phlegm and snot. Will check with Doctor tomorrow morning (in amongst other checkings) to see whether I need any medications besides "bed rest", and then once I'm better I shall pursue some level of physical exertion.

So let's see whether I'll finally get back into being "fit" and "healthy" sometime soon... :P

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Spring has Sprung early

At least - I think it has. With the weather we have been having, it has definitely felt spring like.

Once again I had a tough week. A small, small gain (less that half a kilo! I'm holding out that it's muscle after the pain I went through in boxing) and more rest days than usual as I've felt quite blah.

I tried to run yesterday and managed a bit less than a k thanks to two stitches - the first I managed to walk out, but the second flared up if I so much as jogged to get across a street quickly. Instead of a run, I walked.

Today I've had pain in my Achilles tendon and a headache, so again it was nothing more than a walk. Maybe tomorrow will be third time lucky?

In brighter news, I was really happy with Boxing earlier in the week. In a silly move I'd eaten too late in the afternoon because I realised I'd forgotten to have my loading snack - normally I stop eating 2 hours before class, then stop drinking water one hour before class. This time I stopped eating one hour before class. While I spent a lot of the class feeling like my food was going to come back up, I got through everything relatively unscathed. My biggest achievement? Holding a full body plank position for a minute - right at the end of the class. It's amazing what the threat of fifty push ups (if anyone dropped) can do.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

White Rabbit

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date! A late update from me this week.

Life has gone hectic - in between my car being in the shop (again), nights out, early starts at work and so on and so forth... it has left very little time for internet.

I had a loss last week, and I've gone back to boxing and I am feeling much stronger and fitter. I think taking care not to overtrain is really paying off. I've been listening to my body and if I do feel too fatigued to exercise I take a break. I'm also trying to ensure I get enough rest days.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Another week... and LURGY!

I was sick last week - some virus attacked me, beat me about the head and chest then ran away giggling. Bed bound for three days, I was too lethargic to do anything.

Back at work on Thursday I tried a quick walk to the shopping centre at lunch and was wheezing... things did not look good!

Come Saturday I felt much better and tried to run... bad idea. I didn't get very far before I was too out of breath to deal with it. I ended up walking the rest of my route.

Sunday I managed to complete a 26.6km cycle - rocky start but once I got into it I was powering away.

Net result last week was a gain last week. It was definitely due to being sick - when I'm sick I carb load and I eat small morsels way too often. I also rarely lose my appetite when I am sick. Even if my stomach is churning I'll still want to scoff something down!

Back to normal this week, I hope.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

MIA - Ness

So I've been slack. I've been ten busies and eating horribly. I have had more Maccas meals in the past 2-3 weeks than I ever had all year since I vowed not to have any more Maccas meals. Stopped that about a month ago (which was the same time as my break up), so yah.

During the last time I updated and now, which would be around about 4-5 weeks, I also got really really sick. Had a massive flu over the school holidays which sucked. That and rehearsals for a show that opens this week (City of Angels - come one come all!), and the change in my teaching schedule and all made me not really take care of myself properly. I managed to lose weight because I was sick, and then promptly gained it back when I got my apetite back, and then went back down again due to lack of sleep and just running around like a headless chook.

So my skin feels blergh, I have a warped sleep cycle, and I'm not exercising. :D

Next week, she says... Next week...

Update and thoughts on containers

A bit of a loss this week. I'm happy with that as I am sure I've built up some muscle. I've kicked up the training now and I am actually running - not just walking.

I also had a bit of a surprise this week - along the lines of eating food out of containers.

Most of us will have, at one point, read that as a general rule we shouldn't eat food directly out of a container - be it takeaway or the leftovers you packed for lunch. I have always been a little blase about this, but not so much any more.

During the week I found myself without a home made lunch one day, so I went to the local cafe and bought some takeaway noodles. I bought a small, which I always figured was a pretty modest serving. On this day, I decided to dump it on a plate instead of eating it out of the container... and I am glad I did.

The "modest serving" I thought was in the container was actually a mounded bowlful. it was more that I'd usually serve myself if I was making myself a meal. I had never really considered just how much portion distortion could apply to a takeaway container - especially if it's been crammed full to bursting point.

The same also applies to a container of packed lunch: in the container it can look small and insignificant, but once you put it on a plate or in a bowl you'll see how much is really there. It's not so much of an issue if you are pre-weighing what you pack (something that is pretty much required if you are counting your kilojoules), but if you're going by eye, you could be eating more than you think.

I can't wait to see just how big the salads from the local salad-bar place actually are...