Saturday, January 9, 2010

Treadmill vs Land

Well... More resolutions? That never-ending battle to have the "perfect" body.

I do, however, wonder about jogging on treadmill vs land. I was in Canberra over the New Year, and I went for a jog in the park nearby and around the block after 2/3 weeks of no gyming. I found it hard to keep running constantly at a high pace for more than a minute at a time, and it didn't help with the weather being hot.

When I got back into Sydney, I went to the gym, and found it a lot easier to keep jogging consistantly for 10 minutes. Is there something with the treadmill that makes it easier? I'm guessing it's because it's accelerating for you that you aren't necessarily needing to push yourself off the ground per se, and therefore probably less effort.

I'm also starting to write in my diary measurements to monitor any body changes. If it stays the same, then it's ok because I haven't gained, and if it goes lower then it's a bonus. I'm also going to take note of the days I exercise so I know how frequent I am doing so. This week has been slack, and due to the weather I'm a bit lazy as well... Need to readjust my sleeping pattern as well so that I don't go to sleep at 3 or 4am and wake up at 11 or 12 in the morning. I'm thinking of maintaining a food diary too so I can monitor what I've been eating, so that I can't fool myself into believing that I am eating healthily when in actual fact I'm not.

I haven't really made huge progress on losing weight last year, but to me it's always an ongoing thing - even if I do reach my goal it's still work and effort to maintain it at that point.

Hope everyone is coping in the (Australian) heat! Happy health! :D


  1. The treadmill is WAY easier, Ness. Part of it is that it pulls itself under your feet, as you guessed. It's also a bouncier surface, and it's completely even. When you run on the ground, you use a lot more muscles in your legs and feet as you negotiate uneven trails and hard footpaths. When I was running exclusively on a treadmill, I was told that you have to put it on an include to simulate the effort you put in running outside.

  2. I've always found that even on a small incline, the treadmill is much, much easier than running outdoors.

    For preferance I run outdoors. I can't stay motivated when running on a treadmill - I get bored!
