Tuesday, February 2, 2010


(Imagine that title in a South American football commentator's voice, please. One of my favourite sounds in sports viewing. The other is the sound of an F1 car.)

Today I got talked into several events, courtesy of a workmate who is currently training for a marathon and who is keen to get me running/training/being fit with her.

So... what are my firm goals?

1. Swing Dancing lessons - I am taking these up with Tia at the end of this month. The goal is to start taking these classes as it has been on the cards for a while.

2. Run the Mother's Day Classic. This is on Mother's Day (hence the name), and is an 8km fun run. I need to be able to run 8km easily and be at my goal weight by this date. Both are achievable, but I am a little apprehensive about getting my running up to par.

3. Run the City2Surf. Another fun run, this one is in August and is 14km.

4. Do a mini triathlon - September. More details to come on this as 2010 race details haven't come out yet so I don't know exactly what I'll be up for.

Whew! All this is going to make this year very busy. I'm also an emergency reserve on a social netball team and I am considering entering a social tennis competition.

My current training plan is focussed towards my first event. Boxing twice a week, running three times a week and dancing once a week. All up: six sessions but a mix of muscle groups being worked out.

If anyone has any tips on mixing up the training so I don't kill myself trying to do all this (I have to pick up swimming and cycling at some point too) I'd be very grateful!

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